dimanche 18 février 2007


In 1959, the first group of TUSTI fled to neighboring countries, because their houses had been burnt by the HUTU under the watch full eye of their colonial masters. This was the first sign that there was no future peace in the country. 20.000 TUTSI were killed.

KAYIBANDA GREGORIE ruled Rwanda until 1973 were his own general called HABYARIMANA JUVENAL made a coup de état and seized power.

The after math of the coup de état was on expulsion of the second group of TUSTI’S. Around 90,000 tustis’s in 1973 went to UGANDA, BURUNDI and TANZANIA neighboring Rwanda.

Participation of MRND

HABYARIMANA’S political party MRND organized the killing and destruction of Tutsi’s properties.
All this was done under the influence of the Belgians and France especially.

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