dimanche 18 février 2007


King Rudahigwa. One of the Rwandan heroes. Killed 1959 by the belgians, after resisting them.


The first European to step on the land of a thousand hills was a German in 1832 .They went on to colonies Rwanda until the end of the First World War when all colonies were taken from German as a punishment .Rwanda was given to Belgium as her next colonial master at least there was a change of fortune as the Belgians were far better than the Germans who were very cruel in their administration.
The second colonial masters of Rwanda found Rwandese under the guardianship of king kigeli Rwabugiri 2 .The Belgians how ever sowed seeds of divisionism among Rwandans who were united under the one king . It was not long before the three groups started differentiating themselves basing on height, the size of the nose ,and occupation .The Tusti group were tall and thin while the Hutu were short and had a big nose compared to the Tutsi’s which is small.
Indirect rule was used as a means of administration by the Belgians as was around Africa by other colonial masters. kings and chiefs were used by the Belgians to do what they wanted like if they needed slaves they would use chiefs to look for them in return were given gifts like clothes and jewelers .But one memorable man is remembered in the history of Rwanda for resisting the colonial rule and that was king RUDAHIGWA who was killed by the Belgians opposing him.

Belgians took Rwanda through the 1962 independence though as a by the way since they still controlled the political affair of the country.
KAYIBANDA GREGORIE was elected the first president of Rwanda and he was a HUTU since they were being sided by the Belgians and this caused the TUTSI group to resist the colonial rule under king RUDAHINGWA.
Secondly Belgians supported the Hutu’s because they were the majority and thus used them to oppress the other groups.

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