dimanche 18 février 2007


Uwringiyimana Agahte. Prime minister, in Habyarimana`s government. She was a moderate Hutu, and was killed on the (07/april/1994, the first day of the genocide) because she wasn`t in support of the Genocide.

John Kambanda, head of the interahamwe militias, who were doing the killing.
Today, John Kambanda is in prison in Mali.

COL. Theoneste Bagosora, he organised the genocide, and said to have been the one who killed President Habyarimana Juvenal, because he had signed the arusha agreement with RPF.
Today bagosora is in the court of Arusha, arrested.

President, Juvenal Habyarimana.


The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994, after he was from signing the Arusha agreements with the RPF(Rwanda Patriotic Front)

Within hours of the attack, a campaign of violence spread from the capital throughout the country, and did not subside until three months later.
In Kigali, the presidential guard immediately initiated a campaign of retribution. Leaders of the political opposition were murdered, and almost immediately, the slaughter of Tutsis and moderate Hutus began.
Within hours, recruits were dispatched all over the country to carry out a wave of slaughter.
The early organizers included military officials, politicians and businessmen, but soon many others joined in the mayhem.
Encouraged by the presidential guard and radio propaganda, an unofficial militia group called the Interahamwe (meaning those who attack together) was mobilized. At its peak, this group was 30,000-strong.
Soldiers and police officers encouraged ordinary citizens to take part. In some cases, Hutu civilians were forced to murder their Tutsi neighbors by military personnel.
Participants were often given incentives, such as money or food, and some were even told they could appropriate the land of the Tutsis they killed.
On the ground at least, the Rwandans were largely left alone by the international community. UN troops withdrew after the murder of 10 Belgian soldiers.
The day after Habyarimana's death, the RPF renewed their assault on government forces, and numerous attempts by the UN to negotiate a ceasefire came to nothing.

More than 1million TUTSI and moderate HUTUS were killed in just 100days.
They were killed with machetes, knives, in a very horrible way. Very many young children and women were raped.
Even people, who fled to churches, were killed there.
All over the country the interahamwe were moving with machetes, knives and guns. There aim was to kill every TUTSI around the country and all the HUTUS that were not supporting them, among these ones, UWIRINGIYIMANA AGATHE, who was prime minister in Gen. Habyarimana`s government, was killed because she was not in support of the genocide.
Every one who was hunted had no hope of living.

Rwanda lost it`s beauty, and was full of blood and dead bodies

It is in 1994 July 4, the RPF soldiers led by Gen paul Kagame captured the capital city Kigali, and the genocide was stopped.
Very few TUTSI survived this massacre and horrible killing.
GENOCIDE: 07/04/1994 – 04/JULY/2004
After the genocide,
Finally, in July, the RPF captured Kigali. The government collapsed and the RPF declared a ceasefire.
President Bizimungu took over after the genocide
As soon as it became apparent that the RPF was victorious, an estimated two million Hutus fled to Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). These refugees include many who have since been implicated in the massacres.

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