jeudi 15 février 2007


MR. Pasteur Bizimungu.

Back in Rwanda, UN troops and aid workers then arrived to help maintain order and restore basic services.
On 19 July a new multi-ethnic government was formed, promising all refugees a safe return to Rwanda.
Pasteur Bizimungu, a Hutu, was inaugurated as president, while the majority of cabinet posts were assigned to RPF members.
But although the massacres are over, the legacy of the genocide continues, and the search for justice has been a long and arduous one.
About 500 people have been sentenced to death, and another 100,000 are still in prison.
But some of the ringleaders have managed to evade capture, and many who lost their loved ones are still waiting for justice.
After the genocide, very many things were destroyed, burnt, the country was full of dead bodies, very sick people and casualties.
The country now has very many orphans, mothers and children with aids because they were raped, widows, very many people with trauma, and mental problems,poverty,poor methods of living, malnutrition, lack of doctors, schools and educated people.
Rwanda has been struggling very hard to develop itself and fight poverty, construct new buildings, church, schools hospitals, roads, improve living standards, support education, and improve security in the country.

And RPF started reconciliation between All Rwandese.
Some families forgave those that killed their families.
And today in Rwanda, we no longer have HUTU or TUTSI or TWA, we consider our selves all as Rwandese.
People all over the country are giving testimonies and accusing those that committed genocide, and are brought to justice.
Rwandese now have the same aim “NEVER AGAIN”
And we all believe that it will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.
Everyone that now brings conflicts and divisionism are taken to justice.
Today we live in new Rwanda that was once full of blood and a GRAVEYARD.

IN the year 2000, Mr. Pasteur Bizimungu, resigned, on his own will.
Then there was Election in the parliament Mr.Kagame Paul, took over.
In the year 2003, was the first time after the genocide, that citizens could have a chance to vote the president of their choice.
H.E Paul Kagame won the election with 95% of the votes.
Mr.Kagame Paul is today the president of Rwanda.
A country with peace, love, and hope for the future.

Since 1959 to 1994, Rwanda got one of it’s most horrible histories that we will never forget.

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